Thursday, April 13


It's coming along

The Knitty submission piece I mean. I'm done with the first half of it, and pretty happy. I love the process, knit, see how it could be improved, frog, reknit, rethink of yet more refinements... Did a lot of that with the chokers as well, and it's so satisfying to see a cleaner end result..
My only concern is now to be done by friday as we're off for the week-end ! Anyhow, here's a sneak preview, as I hate to post without pics..
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Second pic is yet more dyed yarn. Or how this turned into that.

Ever since I opened my shop there I'm spending a great deal of time on Etsy. There's just so much awesome stuff there ! I know where I'll get my christmas presents next year !!!

Oh, and finally. Most of you guys must have already heard about the big news : my friend Yahaira opened her online yarn shop pureknits yesterday and it's so cool. Go there and treat yourself to some of her stuff. You know you're worth it !! ;-)

Hi there Sylvie, I tried looking at Pureknits but it is passwprd protected :(
So this project that your knitting to submit to it for the Surprise on Knitty or for the next issue?
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